How to Earn Badges and Titles in BTLO
Badges and Titles are earned by completing achievements on BTLO. Players can showcase three badges and two titles on their profile. These are also displayed on the Leaderboard page.
In the below screenshot we have assigned the Threat Hunter I badge (complete 1 threat hunting investigation), Responder II badge (complete 3 incident response investigations), and the Winter 2023 Easter Egg badge (earned during a specific time-limited event). We have also assigned the BTL1 Certified and Challenger I titles.
As mentioned, our badges are shown on our entry in the Leaderboard:
To learn how to achieve a specific badge, you can visit the Collectibles page on the main menu ( and click on a badge to read the description. Some badges do not have descriptions, as they are Easter Egg badges, and are very secretive!